Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I know Steve Jobs has died and people are "Occupying Wall Street" but in other big news - it's my Blogaversary!

Yes - this blog has been going a year. 140 posts to be exact. I won't dwell on the fact that I posted more in the first 3 months than I did in the last 9. What's important is I achieved my goal - being creative. This blog has fueled a huge amount of creativity and seen more of the real me get "out there" than I ever thought I could handle.

I also got engaged to Sam. (I'll soon tick "Marry your soulmate" off my bucket list! Nice one.)

In the past 12 months my commitment to this blog has resulted in me writing 14 songs, 80+ poems, a dozen or so motivational articles and posting 100+ photos (some soon to be sold on Etsy), many of which with my own flavour of photo editing. I'm also only about a month out from releasing my solo EP, Calienteza.

When I look at all of this I'm quite amazed. I didn't write as much as that in the 3 or 4 years previous, if not more. 

That said my usual thought process still leads me to think "how much more could you have done then? You could've been even more committed. What could you have achieved then?"

But those sort of thoughts are not what this blog is about. This blog is about today. I've realised that writing, being creative, is a big part of what gives me daily happiness, and to me that is the secret of life. I've not been striving for perfection, I've spent enough of my life doing that and, although an important part of my personality, it's not always the most effective approach. What I've been striving for is to act, to do, to BE an artist. 

My blog title still proves to be very apt for me - it's been a struggle all year and continues to be. Every day that I don't mentally commit anew to a creative career is a day that I don't take at least one more small step forward in that direction. Life will naturally drag you away from such a goal. But I'm still at it. Fighting to do my writing, as usual.

I believe the coming year will see me take some more big steps forward. Many of which will relate to the work I've posted on this blog in the past year. 

I hope you will continue to follow my journey. But I hope more that it inspires you to commit to living every day a happy, love-filled, productive person. In turn inspiring those you know to also live happier, more "present" lives.

I may never revolutionize the technological world like Steve Jobs, and I may never be someone with the absolute power to make decisions that will change people's lives. But I can change my life. I can revolutionize the way I think. I can live a long and happy life. 

But no matter how many days I get on this earth, today will always be the day that matters most. 

Thanks for reading my blog!


  1. YA! Your blogaversary!!!! I remember the day the blog came into your noggin. We were schwacked out of our gourds on beer, sitting at a bar in Venice. It was the first day we met in person. That was a good day. Whooo hoooooo!!!!!

  2. Thanks Janice!! There's no question that your influence, at that table and since, has been absolutely crucial in making this happen. Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!!! I can probably credit the influence of the beer on enabling me to open my mouth to the fact that I'd seriously considered but ultimately shelved the idea out of lack of self-confidence. I'm glad I mentioned my thoughts as this blog has transformed me as an artist and as an individual comfortable in there skin - ready and willing to be themselves and put their full-selves out there for all to see, regardless. I hope so much to see you back in LA for at least a short stint sometime soon. I shall love you and be indebted to you always my precious Blog Mama. :D xx xx xx xx xx

  3. I'm not giving the beer any credit. It's all you, you, you. But that was good beer and there was a lot of it. Good times.
