Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Every now and again I get stuck in what I like to call "The YouTube Vacuum".

The word vacuum has a couple meanings here.

Firstly, I refer to the way it is so easy to get dragged from one video to the next and waste a pile of time before you even know what's happening.

Secondly, I refer to the piles of vacuous crap and morons it seems to suck up and then splatter their crap-laden comments onto the threads underneath these videos.

I was considering going on quite a rant about the amount of completely ignorant morons that exist, but then I think it best I just express myself in rhyme.

But before I do I will give you a quick tour through some of the videos I saw, although I will leave it to you if you wish to read the comments. I would also like to add here that these videos of the Japan Tsunami are very sad and disturbing, although extremely fascinating and eye-opening also.

As explored in the movie and graphic novel The Watchmen, and in conjunction with what I was saying in my last post, I find it interesting how a common enemy can unify people and make them realize that there are bigger matters than the little things they "quarrel" over. Yet, some of the idiots in the comments point to anything accept the simple truth - the power of our earth and the cosmos to destroy us. There is no "fault" in terrible tragedies like this. They always have and always will happen. It seems to be that any other opinion is born of hate, judgement and ignorance.

My mum sent me this video first...

Which led me to this video...

Which then led me to this video...

...and so on.

One comment piqued my interest and then I got reeled in.

After reading so many mind-numbingly stupid comments I felt inspired to write this poem.


schlub [ʃlʌb] n.
US slang - a coarse or contemptible person

I find it hard to come to grips
With the fact that so many morons exist
And not merely that they live
But seem to need to give
The world their insight
As if many people might
Actually agree or find
It to be time to adjust their mind
To fit 

With the thoughts of an idiot

It seems fair enough to say
That the majority come from the USA
But this observation is not fair
To all the great US citizens who care
About more than just their little-selves
And don't stack their mental shelves
With boxes for each race
Or sex or creed or colour of face
Because of a deed that's been done

By some
Or even by just one.

They seem quite obsessed with blame
And with justification in "God's" name
As if there is a power out there
Who has so much time to spare
While taking care of all the cosmos
To bring death and sadness and loss
To some humans, be they innocent or not
I really don't see what
That has to do with it at all
When clearly Mother Nature, a celestial ball
Just does her endless thing
She's not picking off insect wings

For fun
Malice or revenge
How dumb

But then it could be said that this
Poem is itself a judgment on those which
May not have had the same exposure as I
Or simply don't agree, no matter why
Which is fine, I guess, although I feel
It is a pity that this wheel
Of fortune deals to some out there
A character with the consistency of air
Simply blown about with ease
or as transparent as the hot, foul-smelling breeze
That endlessly blows out of their mouths

And change
Seems unfeasible, regardless of age

So this Tube that exhibits schlubs and fools
Also exhibits You - so I think it is a tool
For us all to express our thoughts
In the hope that we all be taught
A little more about the world we're in
And the billions that share it's skin
For this world is to be shared
And if with mutual respect our differences are aired
Rather than with anger, hate and hurt
Then we may all gain friends instead of dirt

Or power
And peace may finally be all of ours

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