I decided today that since I had my microphone out working on my pre-production recordings for my EP I would record myself reciting my poem from yesterday's blog entry - The Verb And The Full-Stop. As I always say I like to show you how I hear the lope and meter of the poem, particularly in situations like this when it isn't a standard meter.
So here it is. I just did one take so it could be better but I could've felt the same after 10 takes.
I hope you enjoy this poem as much as I enjoyed writing it. I've also added this recording to yesterday's entry so you can listen to it while reading along to the words by going there.
The Verb And The Full-Stop
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
The Verb And The Full-Stop
One of the conundrums I face as an Australian writer living in the United States is spelling and word choice. More than half this blogs regular hits come from the US and I wouldn't want them to think I can't spell colorful or favorite, but that's not how I spell it. I spell them with a U after the O - colourful and favourite. These words have now received squiggly red lines under them by my auto-spellchecker to indicate that I'm not spelling them right. I'm choosing to stay true to my heritage but I think you see my issue. No-one can respect a writer who they think can't spell.
This poem contains a word choice issue, namely the word "full-stop", which doesn't exist in the US. They say "period". So they may not understand what I'm talking about in this poem. I come across these things a reasonable amount. I've also spoken to friends like Tim Minchin who had to change a lot of lyrics in songs for the US audience otherwise they won't understand what's going on. That can be tough when the whole feel and vibe of a rhyme may revolve around that word.
There are other words. Maybe I should not mention them and see if you notice.
I guess I could start the poem with... "It's control, it must said." I heard the verb tell period...
So maybe these issues can be negotiated. Have a read and see what you think
I'd also like to add here that this slightly weird poetry does come to me from time to time, as it did for the poem "Two Dozen Duck Eggs", with elusive analogies and strange images. I hope you enjoy it and see the message behind the weirdness.
The Verb And The Full-Stop
"It's control, is it not?" Says the verb to the full-stop
This poem contains a word choice issue, namely the word "full-stop", which doesn't exist in the US. They say "period". So they may not understand what I'm talking about in this poem. I come across these things a reasonable amount. I've also spoken to friends like Tim Minchin who had to change a lot of lyrics in songs for the US audience otherwise they won't understand what's going on. That can be tough when the whole feel and vibe of a rhyme may revolve around that word.
There are other words. Maybe I should not mention them and see if you notice.
I guess I could start the poem with... "It's control, it must said." I heard the verb tell period...
So maybe these issues can be negotiated. Have a read and see what you think
I'd also like to add here that this slightly weird poetry does come to me from time to time, as it did for the poem "Two Dozen Duck Eggs", with elusive analogies and strange images. I hope you enjoy it and see the message behind the weirdness.
The Verb And The Full-Stop
"It's control, is it not?" Says the verb to the full-stop
as he skips and hops along singing a merry little song.
"Maybe it is, but so what?"
The full stop replies with an indignant cry.
"It's more about not getting lost in lawless chaos.
You know, lots of these nouns need to be told what to be and the way
You know, lots of these nouns need to be told what to be and the way
they should spell or there'll be hell to pay."
The verb turns around and makes a giggling sound,
Amused by the full stop's stiff grooveless moves and attitudes,
Then continues to whistle his groovy tune.
"If the likes of you verbs decided how things were to be
we'd see letters roaming free all over the page and we'd be in an age of anarchy."
we'd see letters roaming free all over the page and we'd be in an age of anarchy."
The verb curbs his groovy tune, smooths his unruly hair and says,
"You don't think the letters would simply know what to do
without those like you directing their heads, as if what's right is so out of sight.
Why choose shoes lined with lead when if we each take flight
on our distinctive wings we would be quite able to find what's right."
without those like you directing their heads, as if what's right is so out of sight.
Why choose shoes lined with lead when if we each take flight
on our distinctive wings we would be quite able to find what's right."
The full stop pulls up his belt a little higher
'til he looks like a sack around a bear stuck in a spare truck tyre.
'til he looks like a sack around a bear stuck in a spare truck tyre.
"But please tell me you see that even with all these decrees only traces of order exist in many places.
So we'd be set back ten more paces, wouldn't you say, if we took all rules and regulations away.
Good would be gone in not more than a day."
So we'd be set back ten more paces, wouldn't you say, if we took all rules and regulations away.
Good would be gone in not more than a day."
The verb was quite unperturbed by these words,
for he knew with certainty there was much the full stop would never see,
so lost in his clean cut reality, as boss of how things should be.
for he knew with certainty there was much the full stop would never see,
so lost in his clean cut reality, as boss of how things should be.
So with a slow certain pace he walks up to his enemy,
takes a deep breath and with his smile stretched looks the full-stop in the face.
takes a deep breath and with his smile stretched looks the full-stop in the face.
"We'll never agree my rotund friend,
and whether wonders will await in the enigmatic end
or won't is beside the point - so don't get your rosie-red nose out of joint.
Just know that we all should feel free
to express ourselves in the way that we feel best represents what we believe.
For what's right is not what one bright mind thinks
but not strapping on tight blinkers to shut out anyone who doesn't agree
on everything that we have to say, as if to question the consensus may
destroy all good that should lead the way.
What's right is that we speak our minds without fear of fines if we go outside the lines.
For respect drives the love in all of our lives and without love we're lost in the costs constant rise.
So let's compromise."
and whether wonders will await in the enigmatic end
or won't is beside the point - so don't get your rosie-red nose out of joint.
Just know that we all should feel free
to express ourselves in the way that we feel best represents what we believe.
For what's right is not what one bright mind thinks
but not strapping on tight blinkers to shut out anyone who doesn't agree
on everything that we have to say, as if to question the consensus may
destroy all good that should lead the way.
What's right is that we speak our minds without fear of fines if we go outside the lines.
For respect drives the love in all of our lives and without love we're lost in the costs constant rise.
So let's compromise."
From there the conversation's tensions decline
while they talk of all they've each loved and lost in their time,
and soon see that though a verb and full-stop can never agree there's no need,
as each one has their own life to lead.
while they talk of all they've each loved and lost in their time,
and soon see that though a verb and full-stop can never agree there's no need,
as each one has their own life to lead.
Monday, April 25, 2011
The Endless Sea
Seeing my title for this post involves the sea I'm going to post these pictures I took while jogging down on Santa Monica beach recently. You feel like you're on the set of Baywatch running here... (note the little lifeguard huts)

I must say that I love these cool vignettes that these iPhone Camera Apps have on them. They open up new ways of being creative. Cool huh?
Actually, I've decided to add this photo of my younger brother Luke and I doing idiot Baywatch impressions next to a lifeguard tower on Santa Monica Beach in the middle of winter, Christmas '09.

So anyway, I've written a lot of different types of poetry and music on this blog but haven't written much of the following type of poetry, despite it being the style that opened this blog, and a style that I really enjoy writing. The poem I refer to that opened my blog and the one below share the "sea" theme also, which is interesting to me as I find myself using similar imagery for the same general purpose and meaning.
I could explain its meaning, but even for me the meaning has many facets, so I leave it to you to interpret however you may. I hope more than anything that it conjures images and feelings for you, regardless of how it sits with you intellectually.
I'm going to record myself reciting it as I sometimes do, as I like to show how I hear the poem's lope and meter.
The Endless Sea
The buckled oak yoke blows in the breeze
I must say that I love these cool vignettes that these iPhone Camera Apps have on them. They open up new ways of being creative. Cool huh?
Actually, I've decided to add this photo of my younger brother Luke and I doing idiot Baywatch impressions next to a lifeguard tower on Santa Monica Beach in the middle of winter, Christmas '09.
So anyway, I've written a lot of different types of poetry and music on this blog but haven't written much of the following type of poetry, despite it being the style that opened this blog, and a style that I really enjoy writing. The poem I refer to that opened my blog and the one below share the "sea" theme also, which is interesting to me as I find myself using similar imagery for the same general purpose and meaning.
I could explain its meaning, but even for me the meaning has many facets, so I leave it to you to interpret however you may. I hope more than anything that it conjures images and feelings for you, regardless of how it sits with you intellectually.
I'm going to record myself reciting it as I sometimes do, as I like to show how I hear the poem's lope and meter.
The Endless Sea
The buckled oak yoke blows in the breeze
With an ease that makes the old crows quease
But it will suffer none except the solitary sun
And beat the necks of all non-red wrecking men
Who dare to wear any other robe but the sacred scarlet garb and garland
To what end are we, what depths of sea
Will we, one day, eventually
Return or see as new, what will ensue
When all we know to now be true
Flows into the endless sea of blue
You have an answer, so do you, but me?
I freeze at thoughts like these for we
Can only know what's true to now and so left are we to humbly bow
Before the power if that sea's heavy gown
And growl, not unlike a predators howl
So I'll not wonder how or where
Or at the heavens stare
For there are none that can be sure
Not even the sun that has seen the years if yore
What the next perplexed jaeger's blank page has in store
Another "holiday" approaches...
All work and no play makes Jack (or Josh in this case) a dull boy. So as a result I have to work hard so I can play hard. With that in mind I'm off to Australia for a 6 week "holiday" in just 2 more weeks. I use inverted commas on holiday because I'll be working a lot while I'm in Australia. Basically, I'm always on holidays and always at work. That's my life. It's sort of good but sort of has it's downfalls. But certainly right now I'm loving my lifestyle, even if it means money is super tight.
One of the things I need to get finished before I leave here is my EP recording. I've still not finished all my pre-production work so this is going to be a crazy 2 weeks!
The last day of last month I posted pre-production recordings for Here For You Every Day (with percussion and bass) and Take A Holiday (with just guitar and vocals). When I say pre-production I'm basically saying that these recordings are minimal fuss, lower quality recordings focused on working out how I want to instrument and arrange the songs so that when I go into the studio to do the actual takes I'm confident about what I need to record and don't waste time not knowing parts, making them up on the spot, or record things just to discover later they don't work, or I would like to change them a little. Studio time isn't cheap so you need to be very efficient. You can expect the final recordings to sound a lot better than these.
Today I'm posting Take A Holiday with percussion and bass added. Still to be added to this, or possibly just the final recording if I have to cut pre-production short, will be steel drum, ukulele (standard and baritone), electric guitar, back-up vocals and maybe some Hammond organ. I'm not certain. But I better get certain pretty damn quickly! Time's ticking!
Give me your pre-production input. If you think something in particular would sound good on the track please tell me. Then you can say you did your bit for pre-production. Just don't expect a royalty... ;D
I have so much writing and creative stuff piling up from not posting every day as I'm supposed to so this week I'm going to be returning to my every day posting. Stay tuned....
Take A Holiday
Bring up either this page or this page for lyrics, the second of these being the original post of "Take A Holiday" if you would like an interesting comparison of how the song sounded immediately after it was written and how it sounds now.
One of the things I need to get finished before I leave here is my EP recording. I've still not finished all my pre-production work so this is going to be a crazy 2 weeks!
The last day of last month I posted pre-production recordings for Here For You Every Day (with percussion and bass) and Take A Holiday (with just guitar and vocals). When I say pre-production I'm basically saying that these recordings are minimal fuss, lower quality recordings focused on working out how I want to instrument and arrange the songs so that when I go into the studio to do the actual takes I'm confident about what I need to record and don't waste time not knowing parts, making them up on the spot, or record things just to discover later they don't work, or I would like to change them a little. Studio time isn't cheap so you need to be very efficient. You can expect the final recordings to sound a lot better than these.
Today I'm posting Take A Holiday with percussion and bass added. Still to be added to this, or possibly just the final recording if I have to cut pre-production short, will be steel drum, ukulele (standard and baritone), electric guitar, back-up vocals and maybe some Hammond organ. I'm not certain. But I better get certain pretty damn quickly! Time's ticking!
Give me your pre-production input. If you think something in particular would sound good on the track please tell me. Then you can say you did your bit for pre-production. Just don't expect a royalty... ;D
I have so much writing and creative stuff piling up from not posting every day as I'm supposed to so this week I'm going to be returning to my every day posting. Stay tuned....
Take A Holiday
Bring up either this page or this page for lyrics, the second of these being the original post of "Take A Holiday" if you would like an interesting comparison of how the song sounded immediately after it was written and how it sounds now.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Pinch Me
I haven't posted love poetry for a while now as I didn't want people to think this blog was just an "I'm so loved up and want the world to know" blog. Even if that is true...
But at the end of the day you guys do seem to love it. As you can see on the far right column under "People have hit these posts the most" these 3 posts - I Have a Girl - I Have A Love - My One And Only Valentine - have been hit a lot. In fact, I Have A Girl alone has accumulated one-sixth of all my sites hits to date!
So I don't think you guys mind hearing about my lovely Sammy, which is lucky as she is the subject of this post.
We have piles of fun together. Last week we had the formal for Sam's Medical Class at UCLA, which marked the start of their in-hospital training. Sam has already done two years residency as a specialist Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon following becoming a Doctor of Dental Surgery and now starts her Medical Surgery residency. Still 4 years to go of a crazy 14 years Tertiary study! Ouch...
We had a great time at the ball, even if I did have some narcoleptic moments in the main guest doctor's speech and most of the students are 6 to 10 years younger than us. We can hold our own with the "young'ns" on the party front. You can be sure of that. Here are some photos from beforehand...
For those who need it spelled out in black and white - I'm in love! I should say "we're in love" as amazingly enough she feels the same about me as I do about her.
It's a very beautiful thing and I must say that sometimes I'm still coming to terms with the fact that it is actually real. And that's what the below poem is about. It nice to know that I no longer have to just hope for true love to be part of my life.
Time for me to close this romantic rant. Read on. I hope you enjoy.
Pinch Me
Pinch me...hmmm...pinch me again
This seems to be so real but then
How could such boundless beauty be
Breathing here right next to me
I'm often left bereft of all
But pure delight and quite enthralled
With this bliss goddess before my eyes
And when we kiss I realize
She has simply changed my life to be
Better than any other known reality
And for this bliss I'm thankful endlessly
For I will live this life so happy, as only she can make me
But at the end of the day you guys do seem to love it. As you can see on the far right column under "People have hit these posts the most" these 3 posts - I Have a Girl - I Have A Love - My One And Only Valentine - have been hit a lot. In fact, I Have A Girl alone has accumulated one-sixth of all my sites hits to date!
So I don't think you guys mind hearing about my lovely Sammy, which is lucky as she is the subject of this post.
We have piles of fun together. Last week we had the formal for Sam's Medical Class at UCLA, which marked the start of their in-hospital training. Sam has already done two years residency as a specialist Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon following becoming a Doctor of Dental Surgery and now starts her Medical Surgery residency. Still 4 years to go of a crazy 14 years Tertiary study! Ouch...
We had a great time at the ball, even if I did have some narcoleptic moments in the main guest doctor's speech and most of the students are 6 to 10 years younger than us. We can hold our own with the "young'ns" on the party front. You can be sure of that. Here are some photos from beforehand...
Before heading to the UCLA Geffen School of Medicine Formal |
In Love |
Time for me to close this romantic rant. Read on. I hope you enjoy.
Pinch Me
Pinch me...hmmm...pinch me again
This seems to be so real but then
How could such boundless beauty be
Breathing here right next to me
I'm often left bereft of all
But pure delight and quite enthralled
With this bliss goddess before my eyes
And when we kiss I realize
She has simply changed my life to be
Better than any other known reality
And for this bliss I'm thankful endlessly
For I will live this life so happy, as only she can make me
Thursday, April 14, 2011
I've been reduced to status updates...
My continued push to keep my productivity level up with so many demands on my time has reduced me to occasional status updates on my blog. I know you must be missing me like crazy but I will be back with more frequency soon. It's all in the name of creativity. I actually could still be posting something creative every day but simply run out of time or fall asleep trying to write my blog. I'm going to try to post more often though.
There is one advantage here - a silver lining so to speak - this blog will be short. And this is what I've decided to aim for - getting back to more frequent blogging but less each time. Sound good to you?
Here is another song that has had percussion recorded by Arun and just guide parts recorded for the guitar and vocals. There are no harmonies on this as yet but there will be when the final product is done. There is also no bass on this yet. I'll be posting this one with bass along with some others on Friday.
I first posted this song on this blog post (for internet dummies - just click on the orange writing and you will be taken there) if you want to check out a bit more about what the musical inspiration was. I think it's something a little different...
When You're By My Side
There is one advantage here - a silver lining so to speak - this blog will be short. And this is what I've decided to aim for - getting back to more frequent blogging but less each time. Sound good to you?
Here is another song that has had percussion recorded by Arun and just guide parts recorded for the guitar and vocals. There are no harmonies on this as yet but there will be when the final product is done. There is also no bass on this yet. I'll be posting this one with bass along with some others on Friday.
I first posted this song on this blog post (for internet dummies - just click on the orange writing and you will be taken there) if you want to check out a bit more about what the musical inspiration was. I think it's something a little different...
When You're By My Side
Walk with me darling tonight
Walk with me darling tonight
Walk with me, talk with me, under staring sky
Coz I am always smiling when you’re by my side
Sit with me baby tonight
Eat with me baby tonight
Fish, fruit or noodles – whatever you like
Coz when you’re next to me I’m always satisfied
Ain’t got much in the bank (But we got our love)
Ain’t got no big name brands (But we got our love)
Coz there’s no big price tag that can buy this love
So drink with me darling tonight
Let’s dance coz this music’s so right
Nothing else matters, this moment is life
And life is always heaven when you’re by my side
Ain’t got much in the bank (But we got our love)
Ain’t got no big name brands (But we got our love)
Coz there’s no big price tag that can buy this love
So sleep with me lover tonight
You know I don’t want no other all my life
I know in my soul I want you as my wife
Because I want you sleeping next to me each night
Coz I am always smiling when you’re by my side
Coz when you’re next to me I’m always satisfied
And life is always heaven when you’re by my side
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
I'm a big eater...
There is no question that I can smash food with the best of them. I ate (count 'em) 8 soft corn tacos tonight, all overflowing with their share of the following;
1) Third of a head of lettuce, two tomatoes and two spring onions (green onions or scallions for the US readers).
2) A whole, and decent sized, avocado.
3) A 425g can of refried beans.
4) The same size can of spicy black beans.
5) Mayonnaise (this goes on basically anything I eat).
6) Roasted corn and garlic salsa.
I really have to remember to take photos for this blog. I'm sure you have a mental picture though.
Needless to say I nearly "bit off more than I could chew", but just got through it with my guts stretched somewhat. Strangely enough I found space for yoghurt an hour later.
If think this is bad though you should see my general life schedule. I seem to like taking "biting of more than you can chew" to a whole new level.
So this is what I'm "eating" in my current work life, per week;
1) 20 hours of marketing planning and artwork design, website content management, website sales and general technological management at Ken Rich Sound Services.
2) 5-10 hours or so of eBay selling for some extra cash.
3) Painting Sam's house.
4) Recording my first solo EP, and designing the artwork for this EP..
5) Practicing the songs to be recorded for the EP.
6) Spatterings of time working on new songs and poems.
7) Helping mix and record a demo EP for my brother Luke's band.
8) Shopping for a keyboard so I can then get onto the demo recordings with Ed of songs that were originally written for The Stuns.
9) Writing a new blog column for Keyboard Magazine (ghost written as Ken Rich).
10) Planning my return trip to Australia with Sam - which includes organising solo gigs, PR and promotion.
11) Running about 15 miles a week and spending as many hours as I can find (unfortunately, often just a few) stretching/doing yoga.
12) Trying to still have a life, get quality time with Sam and sleep more than 5 hours a night
I think a dozen (many with multiple points in one) will have to do. There are more though.
Doing this blog for one, which as you can tell from my progressively sparse posting has had to be moved down the priority list so I could attempt to get somewhere with everything else. That's also why this post is being written at 1:30am.
So as you can tell things are a little crazy. But life is really good. I just wish I could find a way to keep on top of things. I think one approach is "smaller bites - chew faster."
Today I'm just going to give you a little taster of some of the artwork designs I'm working on for my solo EP - which I've decided to call "Calienteza". I'm going to leave you to think about that rather than explain but having some grip of Spanish will help you work through the puzzle.
Let me know what you think of the first image as the main front cover then a different version of the same picture for the disk. There will quite likely only be a back, a front and on-disc artwork, due to time constraints (as outlined already) as much as the fact that his is the usual approach for an EP.
Arun, the percussionist I'm working with for this recording, has sent me the next lot of percussion tracks so as soon as I get enough time to put bass on the track and do a rough mix I'll post it here, like I did "Hey (I Am Here For You Every Day)" last week.
Remember - you don't have to comment on this blog if you want to share your thoughts with me. You can e-mail me at myfighttowrite@gmail.com and you will likely get a personal reply (despite the above list - procrastinating with e-mails is a favourite pass-time of mine.)
Front Cover (Unfinished)

On-CD (Unfinished)

Another Front Cover Option (Unfinished)
1) Third of a head of lettuce, two tomatoes and two spring onions (green onions or scallions for the US readers).
2) A whole, and decent sized, avocado.
3) A 425g can of refried beans.
4) The same size can of spicy black beans.
5) Mayonnaise (this goes on basically anything I eat).
6) Roasted corn and garlic salsa.
I really have to remember to take photos for this blog. I'm sure you have a mental picture though.
Needless to say I nearly "bit off more than I could chew", but just got through it with my guts stretched somewhat. Strangely enough I found space for yoghurt an hour later.
If think this is bad though you should see my general life schedule. I seem to like taking "biting of more than you can chew" to a whole new level.
So this is what I'm "eating" in my current work life, per week;
1) 20 hours of marketing planning and artwork design, website content management, website sales and general technological management at Ken Rich Sound Services.
2) 5-10 hours or so of eBay selling for some extra cash.
3) Painting Sam's house.
4) Recording my first solo EP, and designing the artwork for this EP..
5) Practicing the songs to be recorded for the EP.
6) Spatterings of time working on new songs and poems.
7) Helping mix and record a demo EP for my brother Luke's band.
8) Shopping for a keyboard so I can then get onto the demo recordings with Ed of songs that were originally written for The Stuns.
9) Writing a new blog column for Keyboard Magazine (ghost written as Ken Rich).
10) Planning my return trip to Australia with Sam - which includes organising solo gigs, PR and promotion.
11) Running about 15 miles a week and spending as many hours as I can find (unfortunately, often just a few) stretching/doing yoga.
12) Trying to still have a life, get quality time with Sam and sleep more than 5 hours a night
I think a dozen (many with multiple points in one) will have to do. There are more though.
Doing this blog for one, which as you can tell from my progressively sparse posting has had to be moved down the priority list so I could attempt to get somewhere with everything else. That's also why this post is being written at 1:30am.
So as you can tell things are a little crazy. But life is really good. I just wish I could find a way to keep on top of things. I think one approach is "smaller bites - chew faster."
Today I'm just going to give you a little taster of some of the artwork designs I'm working on for my solo EP - which I've decided to call "Calienteza". I'm going to leave you to think about that rather than explain but having some grip of Spanish will help you work through the puzzle.
Let me know what you think of the first image as the main front cover then a different version of the same picture for the disk. There will quite likely only be a back, a front and on-disc artwork, due to time constraints (as outlined already) as much as the fact that his is the usual approach for an EP.
Arun, the percussionist I'm working with for this recording, has sent me the next lot of percussion tracks so as soon as I get enough time to put bass on the track and do a rough mix I'll post it here, like I did "Hey (I Am Here For You Every Day)" last week.
Remember - you don't have to comment on this blog if you want to share your thoughts with me. You can e-mail me at myfighttowrite@gmail.com and you will likely get a personal reply (despite the above list - procrastinating with e-mails is a favourite pass-time of mine.)
Front Cover (Unfinished)
On-CD (Unfinished)
Another Front Cover Option (Unfinished)
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