Sunday, May 1, 2011

My Focused Face

It's time you saw my focused face. More to the point, it's time I really got on my focused face. It's 9 days until I leave for Australia and there's still a lot to do to get my EP finished. Just to add to the pressure (biting off more than I can chew again - as those of you who are regular visitors here have read about before) I've decided to do 2 EP's, one for my upbeat tunes and one for my more serious, laid back tunes. To give you a stronger idea I'll say, one for my Bob Marley/Jack Johnson side one for my Bon Iver/Fleet Foxes side.

So although I've been working hard for a long while now it's time to get back to that "3-4 hours sleep, all work and then more work" mode that tends to result in me wearing my focused face a lot.

And here it is...

That was courtesy of Sam who surprised me by filming me while trying to finish some EP artwork photo edits in Starbucks.

Here's why I was doing the edits - I present to you my finished EP artwork. Very simple, just a front and a back, and I know you can hardly read my writing but it's OK, the song titles will also be on the disk. I just thought it had more character with my own writing. You will find it'll be more legible when you're looking at it in person, which you will all soon be as I'm sure you're dying to buy copies!

Calienteza EP - Front

Joshua Jones - Calienteza EP (Front)

Calienteza EP -Rear

Joshua Jones - Calienteza EP (Rear)

Riqueza EP - Front

Joshua Jones - Riqueza EP (Front)

Riqueza EP -Rear
Joshua Jones - Riqueza EP (Rear)

So I hope you like. It was a lot harder than it looks. Finding a Polaroid camera is really hard these days for one! ;-)

I've got to try to get some sleep so buy for now. I'll leave to you to ponder the titles meaning. I will just say though that "Riqueza" is said Ri-kay-za, for those not so acquainted with Spanish.  


  1. Looks amazing, Josh! Nice work :)

  2. Nice work. And it was lovely to hear Sam's voice on the video. Looking forward to hearing it. BTW, I'm in Rome. YEAH!
